Class 8 commercial vehicles are already being deployed both on- and off-highway with an Automated Driving System (ADS) in full control of the vehicle. Millions of miles of operational experience are enabling ADS developers and vehicle manufacturers to increase capabilities, safety and reliability to the point that the potential is here for ADS operate without human intervention. 

However, questions remain. What has been the experience in the field with ADS deployments, what challenges were addressed in the process, and how can a fleet know what system might best meet its needs. How long is the planning and selection process, and what fleet operating types might be most compatible with ADS? If an automated solution is feasible, how does a fleet evaluate when it’s time make the decision to go ADS? 

Our panel of experts unwrap what fleets need to know when considering possible deployment of ADS in their operations. We’ll cover target duty cycles, routes to be travelled, prevailing weather conditions, location of origin and destination terminals, trailer specifications, maintenance as well as other factors that might make ADS controlled operations a realistic strategy. Learn how to engage ADS and vehicle manufacturers in the process of discovery and evaluation as to which system may be the right one for you.