Refrigerated trailers are critical to the maintenance of our modern lifestyle. Without proper refrigeration transport, it would be next to impossible to handle temperature-sensitive and perishable freight, compromising food, medical and other cold chain industries. ATA’s Technology & Maintenance Council (TMC) has several recommended practices that pertain to the maintenance of refrigerated trailers including: 

  • RP 717B, Guidelines for Infrared Thermographic Testing of Insulated Trailer and Truck Bodies
  • RP 718B, Method for Classification of Temperature Controlled Bodies
  • RP 748A, Trailer Refrigeration Unit Preventive Maintenance Guidelines

Work is also underway on a new RP focused on efficiency which will offer guidelines for load staging and delivery. Maintenance recommendations for trailers and trailer refrigeration units will be supplemented by updated specification guidelines for insulation and materials as well. Attend this session and learn from our expert panel on what TMC recommends when it comes to refrigerated trailer maintenance. We’ll cover preferred methods for performing comprehensive preventive maintenance inspections, measuring insulation efficiency, and preventing moisture and corrosion contamination in your refrigerated trailer operation.